Friday, April 11, 2014

Get FIT Fridays edition of Get FIT Fridays

TGIF everyone!!!  We made it.

Now with warmer weather, everyone is getting out and about.  Its a great time to get out of the house and exercise in some form or fashion.  So get up off that couch and start doing something active.  I've created my version of "Get Fit Fridays."  The concept is to give some creative thought to getting fit and in shape.  And if its just for 1 day a week, at least its better than nothing, right?  For this first edition of "Get Fit Fridays," I have brought to light some forms of exercise people tend to pay for instead of doing themselves.  This doesn't mean you have to go cold turkey and just jump all in, but its something to think about and maybe try it out once to see if you can continue for the long haul.
  1. Don't pay someone to cut your grass - Obviously if you are not able to (allergies, disable, or whatever) or do not have the equipment, this option of being more active won't matter.  However, you would be surprised how many calories you burn by cutting your yard (even a small yard) - an average residential lot in the US is approximately 13,000 sqft.  Let's just say the house takes up 35% of that, so we are left with 8,450.  Okay stay with me on this...there are 43,560 sqft in 1 acre.  So do the math, and the average yard size is around 0.19 acres.  Based on my personal experiences and because my yard size is about 0.5 an acre and it takes me about 1 hour to cut the grass.  So, if you cut the average size yard in the US, you would burn approximately 250-300 calories with a push mower.  Not bad eh?  And if you don't have a yard to mow, do something nice for someone in our military or who needs the extra help.  That's a double wammy, you get the exercise while helping someone!
  2. Plant your own plants - Don't pay someone to do your landscaping (unless its a monumental task).  Jump right in and lay down the mulch, plant the flowers, trim the trees.  Not only will you be exercising, but you will take personal pride for a job well done.
  3. Walk to grocery - Many neighborhoods these days are located conveniently next to a grocery store.  Take the walk to pick up the things you need instead of driving.  Who would have thought you could burn off your lunch you just bought at the grocery by walking there and back.  And guess save gas and wear on your car as an added bonus.
  4. Don't take the taxi  -  For all you city folk, walk instead.  You will be surprised at how many calories you burn while walking.  At a 20 minute mile pace (a brisk walk), you burn 80 calories and save the money you would have paid the cab.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Running Signs promotes businesses and messages through mobile human billboards.  Whether it is walking or running, make extra money by wearing signage to promote a business or message.  Why not get paid to exercise?  And businesses, why not promote your message through mobile billboards for great exposure?
The company was developed from the realization of a need that so many people were exercising without taking advantage of being a marketing billboard.  Sure, there are branded clothing items and such, but nothing that significantly stands out to deliver a REAL marketing message.  As an avid runner, Owner of Running Signs, Nick Hettich has realized the marketing synergies between exercise and advertising.  Nick and his team are dedicated to showing the world how brand awareness can be taken to a whole new level.
Still today, there are roughly 450,000+ highway road billboard signs in the US, which bring in billions of dollars every year.  At Running Signs, we understand the massive opportunity, for companies and individuals alike, to promote messages in a personalized "on foot" mobile setting.
So the next time you see a runner, just think about how you can promote your business through mobile billboard marketing.  Running Signs is where its at; pick your level of exposure, build a sign, and start promoting today!